Welcome to WeBWorK!
- bsaxton_test
- MATH_1P97_SPRING_2023
- PHYS1P21PHYS1P91D02FW2022
- PHYS1P21PHYS1P91D03FW2022
- PHYS1P22PHYS1P92D03FW2022
- PHYS2P50D02FW2022
- PHYS2P50D02FW2023
- PHYS2P50D02FW2024
- PHYS2P51D03FW2022
- PHYS3P41PHYS5P11D022023
- PHYS3P41PHYS5P11D022024
- PHYS3P41PHYS5P11D02FW2022
- PHYS_Y1_Problems
- STAT_1P98_Fall_2022
- STAT_1P98_WINTER_2022
- workspace_esternin
- workspace_mwilloughby
- workspace_tharroun
Site Information
Please note that you may not have access to some courses until the instructor has had the students granted access. Please make sure that your instructor has indicated that students have access before trying to log in.
If your instructor has indicated that your course is open to students and you are unable to log in, please do the following:
- Ensure that you are using the correct login (eg. aa64aa) and password by checking that you can log in to the my.brocku.ca Portal.
- Ensure that you are officially enrolled in this course by checking your registration status in the my.brocku.ca Portal in Student Self Serve.
WebWork will be unavailable between approximately 6:00-6:30 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month for system maintenance.
Please avoid doing time sensitive work (eg. timed tests, etc.) during this time as your session will be briefly interrupted while the system reboots.